Bleeding Gums

Noticing bleeding gums while brushing or flossing can cause alarm. Often the cause of bleeding gums is as simple as brushing too hard, but in some instances it can be a symptom of something more serious.
Bleeding Gums Causes
One of the biggest bleeding gums causes is the buildup of plaque on the teeth. If left unaddressed this will lead to gingivitis, an early stage of gum disease. Alongside bleeding gums, symptoms of gingivitis include red and puffy gums.
Gingivitis occurs when plaque, which contains bacteria, builds up on teeth and produces toxins that irritate the gums. Signs of gingivitis include bleeding, puffy, sore, inflamed or red gums. Managing gingivitis is important so that it doesn't progress into a more serious form of gum disease.
Thorough daily plaque removal is your best weapon against gingivitis. Other factors that might increase your risk of gingivitis include smoking, stress, hormonal changes, poor nutrition, medications and chronic diseases.
Treatment and Prevention of Gingivitis
Here are some important ways to help manage gingivitis, and remember, it's all about keeping your teeth as free from plaque as possible:
Brush thoroughly twice a day with an antigingivitis toothpaste.
Rinse thoroughly with an antigingivitis mouthwash.
Use a soft bristled manual or electric rechargeable toothbrush.
Floss daily.
Visit Cairo Smile Dental Care regularly
Causes and Treatment of Pregnancy Gingivitis
Pregnancy gingivitis is caused by a rise in the hormone progesterone which can contribute to an increase in the flow of blood to gum tissues making them sensitive, swollen and more likely to bleed when you brush and floss. These hormonal changes can make it easier for certain gingivitis-causing bacteria to grow and can make gum tissue more tender. While pregnancy gingivitis can occur anytime between the second and eight month, it's usually more severe during the second trimester.
Controlling plaque is the most important thing you can do to prevent problems with pregnancy gingivitis. A strict home care routine of proper and meticulous plaque removal should start even before you are pregnant. Not all oral care products are the same, so be sure to choose a toothpaste and mouthwash designed to treat plaque and gingivitis. Also try a soft electric rechargeable brush to make plaque removal easier.
Blood thinning medications may also cause your gums to bleed. If you think your bleeding gums might be due to medication, get in touch with us.
Bleeding Gums Treatment
The best way to find out the cause of your bleeding gums is to book an appointment with us. We will advise you on the best bleeding gums treatment according to your symptoms.

Bad Breath
You might think that bad breath, or halitosis, comes mostly from eating foods like garlic and onions. You may be surprised to learn that bacteria in the mouth, especially on the tongue, is one of the biggest bad breath causes. Dentists refer to the sulfur byproducts excreted as waste by oral bacteria as “volatile sulfur compounds” (VSC’s) and it’s their presence in your mouth that causes bad breath. Besides food, bad breath can be caused by poor dental hygiene, tobacco use and some medical conditions.
Bad Breath Causes
Food – Food that collects on and between the teeth can collect bacteria that produce odors.
Poor Dental Hygiene – Remove plaque, which contains bacteria, from your teeth, gums and tongue every day. Cavities and gingivitis can also cause bad breath.
Tobacco Use – Smoking can cause chronic bad breath from the build-up of tar and nicotine as well as reduced saliva flow.
Medical Conditions – Respiratory tract infections, chronic sinusitis, postnasal drip, chronic bronchitis, diabetes, gastrointestinal disturbances or liver and kidney ailments can contribute to bad breath problems.
How to Get Rid of Bad Breath
To help get rid of bad breath make sure to brush twice a day and floss daily to remove odor-causing bacteria from the teeth, gums and tongue. Use an antibacterial toothpaste and mouthwash to help kill odor-causing bacteria. A clean, plaque-free mouth is critical to maintaining fresh breath.
To Help Keep Breath Fresh Between Brushings Try:
Rinsing with mouthwash after eating
Chewing sugarless gum to stimulate saliva flow
Snacking on celery, carrots and apples which can help loosen debris
Eat a nutritious diet – vitamin deficiencies can contribute to bad breath
You may have come to see us if bad breath persists to rule out chronic medical conditions. More often than not bad breath can be conquered by using mouthwash, toothpaste and dental floss every day.
Brushing your tongue
Why should you clean your tongue?
Your tongue, unlike your teeth, has a rough surface that’s full of many peaks and troughs that are the perfect place for bacteria to settle and thrive. In fact, your tongue has much more bacteria than your teeth do. This bacteria is easily able to transfer itself to your teeth and cause damage as well as creating bad breath. In fact, as long as you don’t have any other dental issues such as gingivitis or tooth decay, bacteria on your tongue is one of the leading causes of bad breath.
We all know you should brush your teeth twice a day and floss at least one time a day, but do you know you should be cleaning your tongue too?
How to clean your tongue
Once you’ve thoroughly brushed your teeth you should then turn your attention to tongue cleaning.
Brushing your tongue is all about removing the bacteria at both the front and the back. The front is relatively self-cleaning but the back is vital. Begin by putting a small amount of toothpaste on the brush, start at the back and move forward remembering to scrub both side to side and up and down. Use a reasonable amount of pressure but stop if it becomes painful.
You can buy tongue scrapers but for most people, the bristles of a toothbrush will be fine.
How often should you be brushing your tongue?
You should make tongue cleaning part of your usual oral care routine and do it at least twice daily, usually in the morning and before bed. If it gets to midday and your mouth is dry or you have a foul taste, try brushing your tongue again.

How do you get cavities?
Cavities, also referred to as tooth decay, or dental caries, is the breakdown of the hard tissues of the tooth. This breakdown, or demineralization, is caused by acids produced by the bacteria found in plaque. This damage can lead to the formation of pits or holes (cavities) and will eventually require professional treatment. Your dentist can remove the decay and fill the cavity. Without treatment, tooth decay can destroy your tooth.
Stages of Tooth Decay
Stage 1: A white or brown spot on the tooth's surface may be a sign of early decay. Brushing with a fluoride toothpaste and flossing may prevent it from becoming a cavity.
Stage 2: The decay has gone through the tooth's hard enamel surface layer.
Stage 3: Now that the cavity has gone through the enamel to the softer layer of the tooth, it will get destroy the tooth structure more quickly as the layers of tooth beneath the enamel are not as hard.
Stage 4: If the cavity is not filled, it can cause bigger problems deeper in the tooth. This is why it's important to see us regularly.
If you do have tooth decay, your dental team may talk to you about fillings, fluoride, or other treatment choices.
Follow these tips to help prevent cavities:
*Avoid sugary foods and drinks that feed the bacteria in your mouth
* Use toothpaste and mouthwash that contain fluoride – fluoride strengthens tooth enamel to help prevent cavities.
* Brush thoroughly every day to remove plaque. Floss daily to remove plaque between teeth.
* Talk with your dentist about any medical conditions or medications you are taking – both can cause reduced saliva flow that can lead to tooth decay because the teeth are not being naturally cleansed.
* Other factors can contribute to problems with tooth decay; alcoholism, tobacco use, eating disorders – have a discussion with us or physician if you have any concerns.
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